IAMAW Canada – IAM Member nominated for award on Airport Workers Day at YYZ

It was a special day for IAM member Obo Hassan, as he was nominated and recognised for his achievements and contributions to the Toronto Pearson Airport (YYZ) community. “Obo Hassan is our Health and Safety Co-chair for AAS Canada and is a leader in his workplace” said a proud Dan Janssen, IAM District Lodge 140 General Chairperson. “Obo is passionate about health and safety and making the lives of his co-workers better. This nomination is very well-deserved.”

Congratulations Obo and on behalf of the IAM. Thank you for all the work you do!

The awards were given as part of the Airport Workers Day celebrations that were put on at Toronto Pearson and airports across the country.

Airport Workers Day on June 26 this year is a national initiative led by the Canadian Airports Council (CAC) recognizing the people who are “moving what matters” and celebrating the vital contribution airport workers make to our communities and our economies.

The IAM represents the greatest number of workers at Canadian airports.

PHOTO: Obo Hassan (left), pictured with Dan Janssen

IAMAW Canada – 2024 IAM Photography Contest

Attention all IAM members who enjoy taking photos. The 2024 IAM Photography contest is now open, so get out your cameras or smartphones and start snapping some pics of your Union sisters and brothers.

The official call letter and entry forms can be found here.

Submit your pictures of IAM members in their workplace, union function, or performing community service for a chance to win a cash prize and have your photo featured in the 2024 IAM Calendar. The entry deadline is May 26, 2023.

Two dollars from each calendar sale is donated to Guide Dogs of America/Tender Loving Canines (GDA/TLC). You can order your 2024 Calendar here.                                                                                        Scan to enter online from your mobile device


IAMAW Canada – Canada’s unions: workers have waited long enough to pass Bill C-64, An Act Respecting Pharmacare

Bruske: The Senate must pass the bill without amendments or further delays.

OTTAWA- Pharmacare is about ensuring that families across Canada have access to better health care by covering prescription medications. It fills a critical gap in our healthcare system but, the Senate’s delay in passing Bill C-64 is jeopardizing this critical legislation.

“Millions of Canadians have waited long enough to benefit from free diabetes medication and birth control,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. “The Senate needs to pass the bill without amendments before they break for the summer.”

Canada’s current drug insurance system is a fragmented patchwork of 100 public and over 100,000 private plans, causing major disparities in accessibility, affordability, and coverage. This inconsistency leaves millions of Canadians struggling to afford their prescriptions.

Each province and territory operates its own distinct prescription drug plans, creating a complex system further exacerbated by the disparities among private insurers. As a result, 7.5 million Canadians lack insurance coverage and bear the cost of their medications out-of-pocket.

“Pharmacare is the most significant enhancement to our healthcare system since the introduction of public healthcare in Canada. The urgency for this cannot be overstated. Nearly one million Canadians have had to sacrifice basic necessities like food and heating to afford medications, and another million have resorted to borrowing money,” added Bruske.

“For too long, many among us have struggled to afford their life-saving prescription drugs, making risky tradeoffs between following doctor’s orders and paying the rent,” says Manuel Arango, Heart & Stroke’s Vice President of Policy and Advocacy. “This bill is a historic first step toward equal access to prescription drugs for all people in Canada. We urge the government to seize this moment and pass the Pharmacare Act before the end of June.”

‘’Over 50 civil society organizations under the CHC umbrella endorse and support Bill C-64, the Pharmacare Act, a cause we’ve advocated for decades. Representing various sectors including healthcare, seniors, migrant rights, sexual health, and women’s rights, we urge the Senate to swiftly pass Bill C-64. It’s vital for millions to access free birth control and diabetes medication.” Jason Maclean, Chair, Canadian Health Coalition

Implementing pharmacare will save money for Canadians. With a national pharmacare program, bulk purchasing and streamlined administration can reduce overall drug costs, putting money back into the pockets of families. Pharmacare will also alleviate the strain on our healthcare system.

The swift passage of Bill C-64, An Act respecting Pharmacare, is necessary for millions of Canadians to access free birth control and diabetes medication, providing much-needed relief from the high cost of living.

Canada’s unions are calling on all Senators to stop withholding Bill C-64, a crucial piece of legislation that will put money back in people’s pockets, and allow easier access to diabetes medications as well as allow women greater freedom over their sexual and reproductive health.

Our message to Senators is clear: Pass Bill C-64 without further delays.

SOURCE: www.canadianlabour.ca

IAMAW – IAM Union International President Brian Bryant Appointed to President Biden’s Export Council

Brian Bryant, International President of the 600,000-member International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), has been appointed by President Biden to serve on the President’s Export Council, a U.S. governmental organization that serves as the principal national advisory committee on international trade.

Bryant, a Maine native and Bath Iron Works shipbuilder by trade, will bring the voices of 600,000 active and retired IAM members in the aerospace, defense, airline, manufacturing and other industries to White House trade discussions. Bryant also serves as Vice Chair of the AFL-CIO’s Industrial Union Council, on the Executive Committee of the IndustriALL Global Union, and on the AFL-CIO’s Executive Council.

“Our nation’s trade policies directly affect the livelihoods of our members in so many critical industries,” said Bryant. “I’m extremely thankful to President Biden for nominating me to help ensure that workers have a prominent seat in every trade discussion that affects our jobs, supply chains and national security.”

The President’s Export Council provides a forum for private-sector business and labor leaders, members of Congress, and other administration officials to discuss and resolve trade-related issues.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airlines, railroad, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries.