IAMAW – Hard Work & Hope Keep IAM Jobs Alive – A Message From International President Brian Bryant

Dear IAM Family,

Since having the honor of becoming the IAM’s 15th International President on Jan. 1, 2024, I am proud to report that myself and your Executive Council are continuing to lead our union towards a better future in a constantly evolving world. I have been traveling non-stop across North America to meet with our membership and hear your vision for our union. As a 34-year member who rose through the ranks of the IAM after building destroyers for the U.S. Navy, I continue to be in awe of the dedication of our membership and the excitement we all have for the future of the IAM.

Together, we are now embarking on a new journey, where we will continue to advocate for our members and reinforce our core values. We are being guided by you – the membership. After the IAM Committee on the Future held listening sessions with thousands of members across North America last year, the IAM Executive Council is now taking action to remake our union for the generations to come, including making our union more accessible and transparent for our members and prospective members. As our union grows, we must seize this momentous opportunity, drawing from past lessons to pave the way for the present and future generations.

This edition of the IAM Journal contains a wealth of information about IAM members’ incredible efforts and achievements. Through these pages, you will discover how our members have successfully organized and negotiated solid contracts for better working conditions and fair compensation. You will also learn how members contribute to their communities and help them thrive. Furthermore, you will see how our union’s strength has been a driving force in saving jobs and protecting workers’ rights. Each story and anecdote captured in these pages illustrates the dedication and passion of workers as they continue to shape their history through their actions and accomplishments.

In 2024, the IAM has been highly productive in empowering our union through effective organizing and bargaining. During the upcoming IAM Grand Lodge Convention in New York City, our members will shape the future of our organization for the next four years. And as we approach this year’s federal elections, it’s important to remember that our votes hold immense power to shape the future of our families, communities and society.

In honor of our roots in strengthening workers’ voices and a bright future ahead, I am proud to present the Summer 2024 IAM Journal.

In solidarity,
Brian Bryant
International President

Read the IAM Journal here.

IAMAW Canada – IAM applauds Historic Pharmacare Victory

Yesterday, Bill C-64, An Act Respecting Pharmacare, passed at third reading in the House of Commons.

“This is an historic victory for the labour movement,” said IAM Canadian General Vice-President David Chartrand. “I want to thank all the IAM political activists and members who took the time to email, write, and lobby their Members of Parliament (MP) in the effort to reach this historic milestone.”

Bill C-64 represents the biggest improvement in our health care system since the creation of public health care in Canada. This coverage for contraception and diabetes drugs and devices will provide Canadians some relief from the high cost of living, and help improve their overall health.

GVP Chartrand also added, “our work is not finished, we must continue in our efforts to ensure Bill C-64 is passed quickly by the Senate, and we must continue to lobby the federal government to implement a national single-payer Pharmacare program with coverage for a more comprehensive list of prescription drugs.”

Canada’s public healthcare system, brought in by the Liberal government in 1966 via the Medical Care Act, was only enacted by pressure from the NDP and Tommy Douglas, also known as the Father of Medicare.

“In recent decades, Canadian have seen cuts to Medicare by both the Liberals and the Conservatives. It’s crucial that IAM members remain vigilant and continue lobbying their MPs to preserve and improve our health care system,” said Derek Ferguson, Grand Lodge Representative assigned to Political Action. “It’s the only way we can make sure we have a robust health care system that we can leave to our children and grandchildren.”

IAMAW Canada – Honouring Unsung Heroes of the Skies: Celebrating Aviation Maintenance Technician Day #IAMAW

The 24th of May commemorates Charles Edward Taylor, the first aviation mechanic, who built and maintained the engine for the Wright brothers’ first powered flight in 1903. Taylor’s legacy is a testament to the profound impact maintenance technicians have on aviation safety and innovation.

Every year on this day, the aviation industry pauses to honour the crucial role of its behind-the-scenes heroes: the Aviation Maintenance Technicians (AMTs). Aviation Maintenance Technician Day is dedicated to recognizing the skill, dedication, and vital contributions of these professionals who ensure the safety and reliability of air travel.

In Canada, Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs) are licenced to work on aircraft in highly skilled and highly specialised ways. IAM Canada represents AMEs at Air Canada, Air Transat, Airbus, Sunwing, Bearskin Airlines, Wasaya Airlines, MTU, Field Aviation, and others.

AMTs/AMEs are responsible for the meticulous inspection, repair, and maintenance of aircraft. Their work involves diagnosing mechanical issues, performing routine checks, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. This rigorous attention to detail prevents potential malfunctions and ensures that aircraft operate at optimal performance levels.

The responsibilities of an AMTs are broad and demanding. They must stay current with evolving technologies and regulatory changes, often requiring continuous education and certification. In addition to technical proficiency, they must possess a keen sense of responsibility and dedication, as the safety of countless passengers and crew members depends on their expertise.

Aviation Maintenance Technician Day is not just a day of recognition but also an opportunity to highlight the importance of the profession. The aviation industry, from commercial airlines to private aircraft operators, relies heavily on the competence and diligence of AMTs. Without their unwavering commitment, the modern aviation landscape would not be as safe or efficient.

Transportation District 140 – Celebrating Michèle Bujold’s Distinguished Career and Retirement

On behalf of everyone at IAMAW Transportation District Lodge 140, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Michele Bujold, Sr. Administrative Assistant, on the occasion of her retirement. Michele celebrated her final day on May 17th, 2024, marking a remarkable 47-year tenure with the IAMAW.

Michele’s dedication and service have been an integral part of our success, and her presence will be greatly missed. As she embarks on this new chapter, we wish her a happy, healthy, and fulfilling retirement. May the years ahead bring her much joy and relaxation.

On the right, President and Directing General Chairperson Dave Flowers; in the center, Sr. Administrative Assistant Michèle Bujold; to by the middle left, Secretary-Treasurer Alfredo Acrobati ; and on the far left, General Chairperson Guillaume Lingat.

IAMAW Canada – Better Than Ever – 10th anniversary for Canadian Political Action Symposium

It was a successful 10th anniversary for the Canadian Political Action Symposium. IAM activists from across Canada gathered at the crown jewel of the IAM, the Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Maryland for the Symposium. By all accounts, it was the best ever!

IAM Canadian General Vice-President David Chartrand underscored the importance of political action, especially in light of the upcoming federal election in 2025. “Engaging our members is crucial because it affects our working lives. This means it affects our families and our home lives.”

Derek Ferguson, IAM Canadian GLR for Political Action, said, “80 IAM political activists from all over Canada gathered at the W3 where we developed and improved our communication strategies and member mobilization plans in the lead up to the 2025 federal election. Together we will make a difference!” Ferguson has held the Canadian Political Action portfolio for five years and has attend every single Symposium.

Facilitators Brent Farrington and Laurie Antonin, from the Canadian Labour Congress, led the two-day training and strategizing. They are also both members of IAM Local 3111CULR. See a short video of Laurie here.

Attendees broke up into mainly regional teams and each team designed their own campaign with members of each team responsible for a variety of functions. The teams designed complete campaigns and their various components – one team even made an Instagram video!

International President, Brian Bryant made a surprise visit to the Symposium to congratulate the Canadians on a successful 10th anniversary and the continuing expansion of their political action training and actions. Bryant also updated members on much of what is going on in the IAM. See a short video here

The first Canadian PAC was initiated by retired General Vice-President Dave Ritchie and then-Political Action Coordinator Gord Falconer in 2014. Gord retired as Chief-of-Staff in December 2023.

Many photos of the Symposium are available on our Flick site.