IAMAW Canada – Crisis in Air transport and Aerospace – The federal government must not underestimate what is happening

Crisis in Air transport and Aerospace – The federal government must not underestimate what is happening

Crisis in Air transport and Aerospace - The federal government must not underestimate what is happening

Montreal, September 30th, 2020- Air transport and Aerospace are among the sectors most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Canada, tens of thousands of jobs and the survival of many businesses are at stake. The crisis that is simultaneously hitting these two sectors deserves the attention of a parliamentary committee

“A perfect storm is hitting both industries,” says David Chartrand, Quebec coordinator of the Machinists’ Union. For several months now, we have been intervening in the public space to call for federal intervention and nothing is moving. If the Trudeau government is still not convinced of what it should do, give a parliamentary committee a mandate to look into it and invite us to testify. »

Two sectors hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic

The International Air Transport Association reports a 55% drop in international passenger transport in 2020. Montreal Airports expects passenger volume to decline by 71% compared to 2019. For the first six months of 2020, Toronto Pearson Airport recorded a 58% decrease from last year.
In addition to being economically important, air transportation is essential to serving certain regions of Canada. By March 2020, the sector accounted for 241,000 direct jobs in the country. Limited in their operations, airlines are in a difficult situation and are increasing layoffs.

“If the situation doesn’t allow airlines to fly, they need to be given the means to survive,” says Chartrand. Workers on temporary layoffs, are not on a shelf waiting to be called, they have families to feed. The federal government has to act, the problem will not be resolved on its own. »

For the aerospace industry, an AIAC survey released last June found that more than 95% of its members are operating at a fraction of their full capacity or have shut down altogether. More than half (60%) laid off workers and 76% plan to do so over the next six months. Overall, the AIAC members expect sales to decline by 40% in 2020.

” As the two sectors are linked, the paralysis of air transport has significant impacts on aerospace” says the spokesperson of the Machinists’ Union. The current situation is putting enormous pressure on the Canadian aerospace sector. Not only are carriers not scrambling to place orders, but they are in no hurry to take possession of existing orders and it could become dangerous if they defer orders. The worst is to be expected in the coming months if the Trudeau government is not proactive. »

Elsewhere in the world, many countries have already made considerable efforts to support air transport and aerospace.
“We need an emergency plan to get through the crisis and plan for the after-COVID-19. Industry stakeholders need to be able to discuss this with federal elected officials in order for this plan to be effective. If we do nothing, what we lose will go elsewhere and not come back,” concludes David Chartrand.

The Quebec government is already in action

Aware that aerospace is a strategic economic sector, the Quebec government announced last May that it would update Quebec’s aerospace strategy and that industry players would be consulted. Representatives of the Machinists’ Union will participate in the consultations.


David Chartrand
Coordonnateur Québécois
Quebec Coordinator
Bur: 514-956-1578 | Cell: 514-231-9100
Courriel: dchartrand@iamaw.org
Site web: http://www.iamaw.ca

Association Internationale des Machinistes et des travailleurs de l’Aérospatiale

IAMAW Canada – Feds Must Support Air Transportation Now!

Feds Must Support Air Transportation Now!

Feds Must Support Air Transportation Now!

In this week’s Throne Speech the federal government announced they would be providing “further support” for industries that have been the hardest hit, including travel and tourism.

“Covid-19 has devastated our members and their families, particularly in the transportation industry. We need more than just talk of support. We need action, and we need it now.” That was the response from IAM Air Transportation Coordinator Keith Aiken.

Also announced this week is a Federal Government plan to support airlines as they work to re-launch routes between smaller regional centres and connections to larger cities. Airports in some of the regional centers were closed early into the Covid – 19 pandemic as travel declined.

Said IAM General Vice-President Stan Pickthall: “We welcome any support the Federal Government can provide to get our transportation industry kick-started. Families living in the regional centers demand and deserve service. Air Transportation is essential to the health and welfare of these communities, and IAM members that work at these airports need to get back to work.”

The IAM is calling on the government to provide a comprehensive aid package to the Air Transportation and Aerospace industries in Canada to protect rural Canadians and save industries that are integral to the economic engine of this country. “We need the federal government to act now to save this industry and protect thousands of good jobs!” Added Pickthall.

Canada’s Airline industry has been devastated by Covid-19. Air Canada has reported a loss of $1.75 billion in the 2nd quarter of 2020, with a 95% drop in passenger revenue. The Company carried 480,000 passengers vs. 12.8 million during the same period in 2019 (96% drop). In the last few months, Air Canada retired 30% of its fleet, as they lose 22 million dollars per day.

“And it’s not only the airlines that are hurting; associate businesses like airports, our IAM airport service groups, catering, fueling, hotels, car rental agencies, and many surrounding businesses have all felt the pain of this pandemic.” Said Aiken.

“The IAM has lobbied at all levels of government and with all employers,” added Pickthall. “We have demanded improvements to social programs like CEWS and CERB, and we have urged all employers to participate in the programs that will benefit IAM members the most. We are going to turn the corner on this pandemic and we are going to start with our economic recovery. Employers – including airlines and airport service companies – are going to be relying upon the return of a healthy and skilled workforce to rebuild their businesses.”

The IAM is the largest union in air transportation in Canada.

Keith Aiken: (416) 346-4593
Frank Saptel: (416) 386-1789

IAMAW Canada – New Workplace Harassment and Violence Regime for Federally Regulated Workplaces

New Workplace Harassment and Violence Regime for Federally Regulated Workplaces

New Workplace Harassment and Violence Regime for Federally Regulated Workplaces

As of January 1, 2021, a new standalone Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations will take effect, and replace Part XX of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

The new regulations will apply to both workplace violence and sexual harassment under Part II of the Canada Labour Code.

Under this regime employers will have added obligations and will be required to do the following;

  • Develop a workplace violence prevention policy jointly with the policy committee, the health and safety committee or the health and safety representative. The policy must include details as to how the organization will address harassment and violence in their workplace. The policy must also outline a process for informing the employer of external dangers, such as family violence.
  • Conduct risk assessments jointly with the health and safety representative, or committee and identify risks in the workplace and implement preventive measures to protect the workplace from these risks. The assessment must be updated and reviewed at least every three years.
  • Develop training in coordination with the health and safety committee, or identify training to be delivered to employees, employers and relevant stakeholders. The training materials must be reviewed and, if necessary, updated at least every three years.
  • When an incident is reported, it must be responded to within seven days.
  • Make information about support services in their geographical area available to employees. Employers must also describe the support measures available to employees in their own workplace harassment and violence prevention policy.
  • Put in place strong privacy measures, which are outlined in the workplace harassment and violence prevention policy. The policy must outline how those that come forward will be protected, and how the privacy of the persons involved in an occurrence, or the resolution process for an occurrence. If an investigator conducts an investigation, the final report must not reveal the identity of persons involved in an occurrence, or the resolution process for an occurrence (such as the complainant and the individual alleged, witnesses and any other persons).
  • Keep records of all incidents and report them to the Labour Program on an annual basis
  • Employers must implement corrective measures in response to the investigation report of an investigator to prevent future occurrences of harassment and violence.

IAMAW Canada – Federal Government Extends COVID-19 Related Leaves

Federal Government Extends COVID-19 Related Leaves

As a way of streamlining the extension of the number of weeks for eligibility for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), the federal government announced it would also extend COVID-19 related leaves. Eligibility for CERB was extended from 16 to 24 weeks, which is now mirrored in COVID-19 related leaves in federally regulated workplaces. The goal of CERB was to stabilize the economy and provide an income for workers who were impacted by the pandemic, while the leaves ensure workers have access to job-protected leaves.

CERB is scheduled to expire on Oct.3,2020, and COVID-19 related leaves expire on Oct.1, 2020 when the legislation is expected to be repealed.

COVID19 related leaves were designed to help workers who were;

  • quarantined or asked to self-isolate as a result of COVID-19;
  • required to provide care to a family member as a result of COVID-19; or
  • otherwise unable to work for reasons related to COVID-19.

IAMAW Canada – Lowering the Temperature at Canadian Airport

Lowering the Temperature at Canadian Airports

On Friday June 12, 2020 the Canadian Government announced it will require temperature screenings for all passengers flying in and out of Canada and for all employees working at Canadian Airports. The rollout of the temperature checks and the relevant airports will be a phased approach and will be as follows:


  • Phase 1: By June 30, 2020, all air operators will be required to conduct temperature screenings of all passengers travelling to Canada prior to departure from international or transborder points of departure.
  • Phase 2: By the end of July, temperature screening stations will be placed in the departure section of the four major airports that are currently identified as the only Canadian airports for international travel (Montréal, Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver).
  • Phase 3: By September 2020, temperature screening stations will be in place in the departure sections of the next 11 busiest airports in Canada (St. John’s, Halifax, Québec City, Ottawa, Toronto – Billy Bishop, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Kelowna, Victoria).

Included in Friday’s announcement was the type of equipment to be used and the regulating body in which will be overseeing the purchase of the equipment. The Canadian Air Transportation Security Authority will be responsible for the purchase of the equipment and which types of equipment are to be used taking in the operational realities of the different airports across the country.

Some of the types of equipment that can be used are traditional thermometers, digital thermometers and sophisticated thermal cameras capable of screening large numbers of travellers at a time.

“The IAM supports the move to improved temperature screening protocols, which will keep IAM members, all other airport workers, and the travelling public safe from infection from COVID. As airport travel begins to recover and rebound, it is of primary importance to keep us all safe in Canada’s airports.” stated Stan Pickthall, IAMAW Canadian General Vice-President.

This new safety protocol is an addition to the previous announced measures which include temporary changes to maintain physical distancing on aircraft and face coverings for passengers and airport workers.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace is Canada’s largest Union representing Aviation, airlines and airports, and aerospace workers. The Union represents 20,000 in air transportation across Canada.

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For more information:
Keith Aiken, IAM Canadian Air Transportation Coordinator