Foreign #workers and #labour organizing in #Quebec #canlab #cndpoli #qcpoli #iampolitical

Foreign workers and labour organizing in Quebec |

Foreign workers and labour organizing in QuebecJuly 31, 2014·by admin· in agricultural workers, Temporary Foreign Workers, UFCW, Uncategorized, Unifor. ·The constellation of Canada’s temporary foreign worker programs and the role of advocacy organizations like the Immigrant Workers Centre – An inter…

Pension 101: from workplace plans to cpp #canlab #cndpoli #pension #iampolitical

Pensions 101: From Workplace Plans to CPP |

Pensions 101: From Workplace Plans to CPPJuly 30, 2014·by admin· in Bombardier, pensions. ·The Bombardier strike in Thunder Bay by 900 Unifor members has been sparked by yet another attempt by a profitable corporation to rollback the pensions of workers, specifically future hires. In the interest of…

Le salaire minimum au #Canada et la croissance économique #polcan #iampolitical

Le salaire minimum au Canada et la croissance économique | Institut Broadbent

Statistique Canada a récemment émis un communiqué portant sur les hauts et les bas du salaire minimum qui a mis un peu de baume dans le cœur des travailleurs canadiens : le salaire minimum en termes réels (en tenant compte de l’évolution de l’indice des prix à la consommation), qui était de 10,14$ e…