IAMAW Canada – Canada’s unions: workers have waited long enough to pass Bill C-64, An Act Respecting Pharmacare

Bruske: The Senate must pass the bill without amendments or further delays.

OTTAWA- Pharmacare is about ensuring that families across Canada have access to better health care by covering prescription medications. It fills a critical gap in our healthcare system but, the Senate’s delay in passing Bill C-64 is jeopardizing this critical legislation.

“Millions of Canadians have waited long enough to benefit from free diabetes medication and birth control,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. “The Senate needs to pass the bill without amendments before they break for the summer.”

Canada’s current drug insurance system is a fragmented patchwork of 100 public and over 100,000 private plans, causing major disparities in accessibility, affordability, and coverage. This inconsistency leaves millions of Canadians struggling to afford their prescriptions.

Each province and territory operates its own distinct prescription drug plans, creating a complex system further exacerbated by the disparities among private insurers. As a result, 7.5 million Canadians lack insurance coverage and bear the cost of their medications out-of-pocket.

“Pharmacare is the most significant enhancement to our healthcare system since the introduction of public healthcare in Canada. The urgency for this cannot be overstated. Nearly one million Canadians have had to sacrifice basic necessities like food and heating to afford medications, and another million have resorted to borrowing money,” added Bruske.

“For too long, many among us have struggled to afford their life-saving prescription drugs, making risky tradeoffs between following doctor’s orders and paying the rent,” says Manuel Arango, Heart & Stroke’s Vice President of Policy and Advocacy. “This bill is a historic first step toward equal access to prescription drugs for all people in Canada. We urge the government to seize this moment and pass the Pharmacare Act before the end of June.”

‘’Over 50 civil society organizations under the CHC umbrella endorse and support Bill C-64, the Pharmacare Act, a cause we’ve advocated for decades. Representing various sectors including healthcare, seniors, migrant rights, sexual health, and women’s rights, we urge the Senate to swiftly pass Bill C-64. It’s vital for millions to access free birth control and diabetes medication.” Jason Maclean, Chair, Canadian Health Coalition

Implementing pharmacare will save money for Canadians. With a national pharmacare program, bulk purchasing and streamlined administration can reduce overall drug costs, putting money back into the pockets of families. Pharmacare will also alleviate the strain on our healthcare system.

The swift passage of Bill C-64, An Act respecting Pharmacare, is necessary for millions of Canadians to access free birth control and diabetes medication, providing much-needed relief from the high cost of living.

Canada’s unions are calling on all Senators to stop withholding Bill C-64, a crucial piece of legislation that will put money back in people’s pockets, and allow easier access to diabetes medications as well as allow women greater freedom over their sexual and reproductive health.

Our message to Senators is clear: Pass Bill C-64 without further delays.

SOURCE: www.canadianlabour.ca

IAMAW – IAM Union International President Brian Bryant Appointed to President Biden’s Export Council

Brian Bryant, International President of the 600,000-member International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), has been appointed by President Biden to serve on the President’s Export Council, a U.S. governmental organization that serves as the principal national advisory committee on international trade.

Bryant, a Maine native and Bath Iron Works shipbuilder by trade, will bring the voices of 600,000 active and retired IAM members in the aerospace, defense, airline, manufacturing and other industries to White House trade discussions. Bryant also serves as Vice Chair of the AFL-CIO’s Industrial Union Council, on the Executive Committee of the IndustriALL Global Union, and on the AFL-CIO’s Executive Council.

“Our nation’s trade policies directly affect the livelihoods of our members in so many critical industries,” said Bryant. “I’m extremely thankful to President Biden for nominating me to help ensure that workers have a prominent seat in every trade discussion that affects our jobs, supply chains and national security.”

The President’s Export Council provides a forum for private-sector business and labor leaders, members of Congress, and other administration officials to discuss and resolve trade-related issues.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airlines, railroad, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries.

IAMAW – Building a Strong Air Transport Membership From The Ground Up

This article was featured in the IAM Summer 2024 Journal and written by IAM Communications Representative John Carr. 

Building bargaining power is critical to negotiating a strong IAM contract. One of the ways the Air Transport Territory team is doing that is by being out on the shop floor and accessible to the membership.

“I think it’s important for our members to see our faces, know who we are, and know that we come from the rank and file, that we aren’t just someone they read about on the website, we come from the ground, worked our way up, and are fighting on their behalf,” said IAM Air Transport Territory General Vice President Richie Johnsen. “A strong, active union in the workplace where workers pull together to make a real difference is the only way we can improve the lives of IAM members.”

The idea is to foster open communication, encourage members to communicate openly, and share ideas, concerns, and feedback. Establish a culture where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves and all opinions are valued.

It goes further than that. Since June 2021, Air Transport Territory leadership has traveled to visit dozens of cities each year to meet with the membership face to face, creating an informal network of workers who are committed to mutual aid, direct action, and building shop floor power by reinforcing solidarity and building the communication network needed for a successful bargaining unit. The IAM Air Transport Territory, which includes IAM District 141 and IAM District 142, represents more than 100,000 air transport members. The IAM is the largest air transport union in North America.

Members are significantly more likely to feel the union is effective in helping obtain job-related improvements through their interactions with leadership on the shop floor.

Shop floor interactions also have strategic objectives:

  • To show members that the union is dedicated to job-related improvements.
  • To express concern for those members on the front lines
  • To encourage members to seek the union’s help in solving contract-related problems.
  • To promote participation in organizing and other union activities.
  • To foster optimism toward the negotiating power of the local.
  • To obtain immediate feedback on issues and concerns at any level.
  • To build relationships with the rank-and-file.
  • To ask directly for union involvement in a specific way.

Open dialogue and feedback sessions are one way to uncover what motivates our members. Taking the time to build relationships and foster trust is the cornerstone of solidarity practice. Another effective method is regular check-ins with shop floor members to gauge their satisfaction levels and address any concerns or challenges they may face. This shows members’ input is valued and that the IAM is committed to supporting their growth. Many members had the chance to be briefed and to ask Grand Lodge, District Lodge, and Local Lodge representatives questions.

IAMAW – Virtual Training Sessions


The Winpisinger Center is now offering Virtual Training Sessions, which differ from traditional Leadership, Staff, and Departmental programs in that members can register themselves, the trainings cover only one topic, and sessions typically last 1-2 hours. Click the links below to register. Select only one (1) session of each training unless otherwise indicated. Trainings are open to all members in good standing.


Parliamentary Procedure for IAM Members and Leaders. Reviews the rules of order that make it possible to get Local Lodge meeting business completed in an organized and fair way.

Second Education Circle. (click for more information)

Microsoft Word Training. Word trainings will cover creating automatic populating tables of contents, headers and footers, page numbers and more.

Microsoft Excel Training. Excel trainings will cover the very basics of Excel, focusing on those who have little to no working knowledge of the program.

IAMAW – Hard Work & Hope Keep IAM Jobs Alive – A Message From International President Brian Bryant

Dear IAM Family,

Since having the honor of becoming the IAM’s 15th International President on Jan. 1, 2024, I am proud to report that myself and your Executive Council are continuing to lead our union towards a better future in a constantly evolving world. I have been traveling non-stop across North America to meet with our membership and hear your vision for our union. As a 34-year member who rose through the ranks of the IAM after building destroyers for the U.S. Navy, I continue to be in awe of the dedication of our membership and the excitement we all have for the future of the IAM.

Together, we are now embarking on a new journey, where we will continue to advocate for our members and reinforce our core values. We are being guided by you – the membership. After the IAM Committee on the Future held listening sessions with thousands of members across North America last year, the IAM Executive Council is now taking action to remake our union for the generations to come, including making our union more accessible and transparent for our members and prospective members. As our union grows, we must seize this momentous opportunity, drawing from past lessons to pave the way for the present and future generations.

This edition of the IAM Journal contains a wealth of information about IAM members’ incredible efforts and achievements. Through these pages, you will discover how our members have successfully organized and negotiated solid contracts for better working conditions and fair compensation. You will also learn how members contribute to their communities and help them thrive. Furthermore, you will see how our union’s strength has been a driving force in saving jobs and protecting workers’ rights. Each story and anecdote captured in these pages illustrates the dedication and passion of workers as they continue to shape their history through their actions and accomplishments.

In 2024, the IAM has been highly productive in empowering our union through effective organizing and bargaining. During the upcoming IAM Grand Lodge Convention in New York City, our members will shape the future of our organization for the next four years. And as we approach this year’s federal elections, it’s important to remember that our votes hold immense power to shape the future of our families, communities and society.

In honor of our roots in strengthening workers’ voices and a bright future ahead, I am proud to present the Summer 2024 IAM Journal.

In solidarity,
Brian Bryant
International President

Read the IAM Journal here.