#PhysicalDistancing – Three tweets from Dr. Teresa Tam, The Chief Public Health Office

Three tweets from Dr. Teresa Tam, The Chief Public Health Office

Dr. Teresa Tam, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada is suggesting a more accurate term to use in these times of crisis. Words are important because they can also dictate our behaviour.

1/3 Ok Canada, you said it #PhysicalDistancing is the new #SocialDistancing! We need to ↑ physical distance but NOT ↓ our virtual social interactions. Therefore, going forward I will be using #PhysicalDistancing. #COVID19 #TogetherApart

2/3 Practice #PhysicalDistancing by: Keeping 2 metres ↔ from others at all times; For those who have no symptoms – it’s okay to walk in the fresh air but the 2 metre-rule still applies, always, everywhere.

3/3 #PhysicalDistancing is not enough on its own. Pair with: disinfecting high touch surfaces, #WashYourHands frequently and only virtual socialising (no visits, no playdates) to #FlattentheCurve #PlanktheCurve #COVID19

Follow Dr. Teresa Tam on Twitter (English)

Posted in Bulletins.